Thursday, November 21, 2019

Democrat Crime & Violence

One of the joys of life, to me at least, is reading about all the crime and violence in Democrat-voting communities all over America.  Every Sunday morning I get up and eagerly read the news on the web about all the shootings and murders in Democrat cities and it makes me laugh myself silly!

This crime and violence exists because you Democrat voters created it when you voted Democrat.  Look at crime statistics--especially violent crime like murder--and you will see it rose sharply in the mid-1960s as Democrats cemented control of this country's inner cities with welfare freebies.

The higher the Democrat vote in a city, the higher is the crime and violence and the lower is the academic achievement in public schools.  This is always true.

On the other hand, the higher the Republican vote in a community the lower is the crime and violence.

The purpose of this blog is to provide some entertainment to people who enjoy reading about the crime and violence in every  Democrat community. Also, I intend to create a "dead pool" of sorts where I (and hopefully some readers) will try to predict how many murders there will be in Democrat cities each month or each year.  As there is no shortage of bloodshed in any Democrat stronghold in America, this should be fun.

There is no encouragement of crime or violence anywhere here on this blog.  Most of us Republican voters abhor crime
and violence. Possibly some of you Democrat voters out there will read this blog and pull your heads out of your asses and do something about the crime and violence that is rife in your communities and save some lives.  The next life that can be saved may be someone you care about.

But I do not hold high hopes that you Democrats out there will do anything about all the crime and violence that plague your communities.  The reason is because if you are a Democrat voter you are obviously a moron and are too stupid to do anything about it.  The biggest reason, however, is the demographics of the perpetrators of the crime and violence and the political correctness that preoccupies you fools and prevents you from saying or doing anything about it.

This blog is going to be composed mainly using the voice recognition technology of the device I am using.  It is not perfect and as a result there will definitely be grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation errors in my posts which I will correct over time as I notice them.